However, Radio ICE100 is an online station, which ‘I think is not registered per
se, but the BOCRA is aware of the radio station.’ It is assumed that some kind of
agreement exists because the law is silent on online radio stations.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:





4.6 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 2009 = 1.0;
2011 = 2.7; 2014 = 5.0)

1.9 The state does not seek to block or filter Internet
content unless in accordance with laws that provide
for restrictions that serve a legitimate interest and
are necessary in a democratic society, and which are
applied by independent courts.
Under the amended Cybercrime and Computer Related Crimes Act, ‘the wider
impact on the right to privacy seems to be somewhat taken away from users of
the internet’ because the state is given the power to monitor online activities and
purely ‘on suspicion.’
The amendments to the Act, which will include issues of cyberbullying, have yet
to be signed into law by the president.
‘A good part of the law’ was developed under the “pretext” that it protects
people from exposure to indecent material.’ According to the Act, revenge porn
is identified as a crime that is protective of (potential) victims. Yet, the majority of
clauses contained in the law appear rather oppressive than protective.
There have also been instances where websites of media houses were hacked but
it is not known by whom. Suspicion is prevalent that there have been intentional
temporary blackouts during ‘hot potato’ discussions, ‘you know that there is
interference on your platforms.’
A panellist with a differing opinion explained that ‘the law seeks to entrench the
right to privacy’ to ensure that what happens in people’s private spheres remains
so and that the law is not ‘necessarily meant to deal with issues that are not of
an intimate nature.’



Select target paragraph3