in journalist homes, in politician’s homes, [and] trade journalists and lawyers’
homes because it was believed that valuable information could be found on their
laptops, computers and other devices.’
Panellists believe that there have been ‘accidents, disappearances and killings’
against potential sources of information, but ‘we do not have proof.’
In such a restrictive environment, many Batswana ‘would rather die silently’ than
speak out and risk their lives, health or property. Citizens are afraid to come
forward ‘because they don’t feel they are protected.’

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:







2.0 (2005 =1.1; 2007 = 1.1; 2009 = 1.0;
2011 = 1.2; 2014 = 3.1)

1.7 Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed
by law, to all citizens.
The constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression includes the ‘freedom
to receive ideas and information without interference’ and the ‘freedom to
communicate ideas and information without interference.’ This has been
interpreted to mean ‘access to information.’
However, there is no law that enables or guarantees a citizen’s access rights to
such public information. ‘If anything, Botswana is very secretive.’ It appears that
‘everything is confidential.’ ‘Unless it [public information] has been declassified,
people will avoid openly discussing it.’ The fact that government employees
are sworn to secrecy impedes accessibility of such information. In this secretive
environment, ‘journalists end up speculating in desperation caused by the lack
of access to information.’
The government introduced public relations officers into government
departments who in practice are ‘used as a buffer’ to information access.
Several years ago, while answering a question in Parliament, then vice-president
and current President Masisi promised that government would draft an access
to information bill. At the same time, he added the provision that the issue of
data protection would have to be addressed first. Data protection issues have



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