1.4 The Government makes every effort to honour
regional and international instruments on freedom
of expression and freedom of the media.
Botswana has signed several international and regional instruments such as the
Windhoek Declaration and the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
Botswana has a dualist system, ‘whereby signing and ratifying international
instruments do not give those [instruments] local applicability.’ For the treaties
and protocols to be binding and apply locally, the government ‘has to domesticate
and make these instruments part of the law.’
‘We can shine internationally and look good but when we get home’ these
commitments are easily forgotten.
‘We never get to know what has been signed internationally, we only know by
chance if we get invited to some of the [international] seminars or conventions.’
‘Government also takes advantage of us in the media “being ignorant” of
our legal rights.’ Therefore, the media and the public will often be unaware
of international protocols relating to their sector. Hence, they will not be able
to advocate for the domestication of such protocols and regulations to hold
government accountable.
Even if action is taken, it is usually purely cosmetic, as was the case with the
establishment of the Botswana Ombudsman who ‘is powerless in many ways’
and therefore does not have any real impact.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:










2.4 (2005 = n/a; 2007 = n/a; 2009 = 1.3;
2011 = 1.6; 2014 = 1.9)

1.5 Print publications are not required to obtain
permission to publish from state authorities.
Print publications are required to register with the Postmaster General of the
Post Office, which is a requirement ‘inherited from colonial days.’ The regulation



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