In this matter, UPND secretary general Batuke Imenda dragged the national broadcaster to court over the
decision by the director general of ZNBC not to air the party’s campaign advertisements during primetime slots.
But according to a ruling on the ex-parte application for leave to apply for judicial review, Tuesday, Judge
Susan Wanjelani noted that the application was made with respect to decisions that were made more
than five years ago in 2016.
She noted that while the court had the jurisdiction to extend the time, there must be a good reason for
doing so.
Judge Wanjelani however, added that the applicant had not advanced any reason for the delay in
applying for leave to commence judicial review.
18th August
INDEPENDENT Broadcasting Authority (IBA) director general Josephine Mapoma has reinstated Prime
Television’s broadcasting license over a year since it was cancelled in “public interest”.
In a letter addressed to Prime TV proprietor Gerald Shawa, Wednesday, Mapoma said the authority held
a special meeting and considered Prime Television’s application to have it’s license given back pursuant
to Sections 21 and 22 of the IBA (Amendment) Act No 26 of 2010.
18th August
THE Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) has commended broadcasting stations for their coverage
of the just ended general elections.
In a statement, Monday, IBA director general Josephine Mapoma stated that a number of stations
covered the just ended elections in an ethical and professional manner.
“The Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) has commended broadcasting stations in the country for
their coverage of the just ended general elections, particularly from polling day, up to the time of the
declaration of the winner. The Authority observed that generally, a number of broadcasting stations
covered the just ended elections in an ethical and professional manner,” she said.
Mapoma noted that broadcasting stations aided and allowed for a peaceful co-existence, through the
manner in which they covered elections.
“Further, the IBA is gratified to note that broadcasting stations aided and allowed for a peaceful coexistence, through the manner in which they covered elections. This largely contributed to holding of
peaceful elections, as there was no sensational reporting. Prior to the elections, the Authority conducted
countrywide capacity building programmes for broadcasting stations in election reporting, which acted as
a catalyst to professional conduct.


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