
Alerts/Selected news stories (News Diggers)

13th July
COUNCIL of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) general secretary Fr Emmanuel Chikoya says he has noted with
concern continued poor coverage of opposition candidates on the national broadcaster ZNBC, ahead of
next month’s polls. And Fr Chikoya says there is still room for political dialogue to happen among
stakeholders before the August elections. In an interview, Fr Chikoya said it was unfair that opposition
presidential candidates were still not televised on ZNBC main news.
21st July
TRANSPARENCY International Zambia (TIZ) has revealed that in June, PF spent K6.05 million on campaign
billboards across the country, followed by Socialist party at K2.26 million and UPND at K1.31 million. In a
statement, with regards to TIZ’s 2021 Elections Project, TIZ executive director Maurice Nyambe noted
that for the month of June, the expenditure on presidential billboards in Lusaka increased significantly
with PF spending at least K4.488 million, UPND K723,000, and the Socialist Party K1.195 million.
28th July
The Patriotic Front has threatened to sue several radio and television stations, among them Flava, Mano
Radio, Icengelo and KNC in Kabwe, if they fail to block out other advertisers during the planned ruling
party’s election eve rally PF secretary general Davies Mwila has threatened to take legal action against
Flava FM, Diamond TV and several others for “failing to adhere to an advertising agreement” signed with
the party in March
28th July
GOVERNMENT has condemned the reported violence allegedly perpetrated by UPND cadres against a
ZANIS District Information Officer for Ikelenge district in North-Western Province. In a statement,
Tuesday, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga said
Journalists needed to conduct their work without fear or intimidation and further called on the police to
bring the culprits to book.
13th August
ZAMBIAN voters were today taken to a rude shock after noticing that the government shut down
WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, the most commonly used instant messaging platforms, as they queued
up to cast their votes in the crucial general election.
WhatsApp was the first to go down slightly after noon and many mobile subscribers took to Facebook to
share their displeasure and to offer peer solutions to circumvent the government measure; advising
netizens to switch to Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
At around 17:00 hours Facebook also got restricted, followed by Twitter, leaving Zambians with no
effective social media platform with which to share stories and developments during the counting of
There are growing fears that all other social media platforms, such as Telegram and signal would be shut
down as polls come to a close at 18:00 hours to pave way for the vote count.


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