Article 32
The Commission shall not include more than one national of the same state.
Article 33
The members of the Commission shall be elected by secret ballot by the Assembly of Heads
of State and Government, from a list of persons nominated by the States parties to the
present Charter.
Article 34
Each State party to the present Charter may not nominate more than two candidates. The
candidates must have the nationality of one of the States party to the present Charter.
When two candidates are nominated by a State, one of them may not be a national of that
Article 35

The Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity shall invite States parties
to the present Charter at least four months before the elections to nominate


The Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity shall make an
alphabetical list of the persons thus nominated and communicate it to the Heads of
State and Government at least one month before the elections.
Article 36

The members of the Commission shall be elected for a six year period and shall be eligible
for re-election. However, the term of office of four of the members elected at the first
election shall terminate after two years and the term of office of three others, at the end of
four years.
Article 37
Immediately after the first election, the Chairman of the Assembly of Heads of State and
Government of the Organization of African Unity shall draw lots to decide the names of
those members referred to in Article 36.
Article 38
After their election, the members of the Commission shall make a solemn declaration to
discharge their duties impartially and faithfully.


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