written the following day could be so inaccurate, that one would think it was from
a different press conference altogether. Panellists also tried to give explanations
for this state of affairs, with some saying that this resulted from the fact that
the media were practicing in a highly competitive environment. They noted that
as such, some media resorted to sensationalising stories or sending incompetent
reporters to cover complex issues. Other panellists observed that media managers
or owners did not provide their reporters with the necessary facilities to help them
in gathering news. Most journalists in Tanzania were working under very harsh
It was observed that most of them did not have contracts, with some having their
stories measured by ruler to determine how much they would be paid, and others
simply not receiving their salaries on time. Some of the panellists said that it
was inappropriate to paint a bleak picture of the media in Tanzania, however,
because some media institutions were performing extremely well. “It is like the
way you would find a few bad eggs in a tray”, noted one panellist. Panellists were
of the view that as we approach the general elections, accuracy and objectivity are
becoming the leading casualties in journalism.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

2.6 (2008 = 2.8; 2006 = 2.1)

The media cover the full spectrum of events,
issues and cultures, including business/economics,
cultural, local and investigative stories.
Panellists were in agreement that newspapers were covering a wide range of issues
across the board. One panellist observed that the coverage of issues is improving,
except for the inaccuracies and lack of depth in stories. Some media houses have
correspondents throughout the country but many rely on stories from urban
areas. Investigative journalism is practiced but it can be very risky because some
editors have a tendency of revealing the names of reporters who were doing the



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