to establish blogs or websites to register with the Registrar of Companies and to
get a license from the Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA).
The government, a panellist noted, would institute a mechanism through which
the content of blogs and websites would be controlled. Another panellist pointed
out, however, that it would be hard to control the blogs because most of them were
hosted abroad through .com domains. He/she also added that citizens could use
pseudonyms and elude providing their true identification. Currently, only internet
service providers are required to register.
Panellists also stated that Tanzania has had experience with blogs that were
started to diminish the rights of individuals, including the right to privacy and the
right of reply. Nevertheless, panellists were of the view that freedom to run blogs
and websites was fundamental, as long as it also ensured the rights of innocent
individuals who were victimised by the anonymous nature of their operations.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator.


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score: 			

3.0 (2008 = n/a ; 2006 = n/a)

1.10 The state does not seek to block or filter Internet
content unless laws provide for restrictions that serve
a legitimate interest and are necessary in a democratic
The panellists were in agreement that since the advent of websites and blogs, the
government had not enacted any law to restrict them. However, hosts of websites
such as Jamboforums (now were once interrogated by authorities
over content that irked the government. Another blog called zetamu was also shut
down with the help of international law enforcing agencies, when it was found to
be invading the privacy of individuals. The government is now working with the
International Telecommunication Union to see how to safeguard the rights of
children from paedophilia, pornography and sexual content and harassment on
the internet.



Select target paragraph3