on media coverage indicated that politics followed by crime and
sports stories take prominence. Reporting on HIV/AIDS and Gender
is still characterised with stigmatization and stereotyping respectively. There is also a lot of sensationalism. However, it was noted
that generally speaking there are efforts being made to improve the
state of affairs. One panellist said that since there is improvement
even academia is now accepting media citations in academic work.
Investigative journalism is on the rise and the media has in the
recent past exposed major scandals involving high placed government and ruling party officials. However journalists still lack skills
in analyses and interpretation of issues.
Other challenges in covering the full spectrum of issues and events
include difficulties in accessing information in Government and public offices; lack of specialization; hostile working conditions, corruption and lack of training.
Media houses also lack research units to track audiences’ preferences.
Individual scores: 			

2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3

Average score: 			

2.3 (2006= 3.1)


Gender mainstreaming is promoted in terms of equal 		
participation of both sexes in the production process.

There is progress and there are several women in leadership positions in the Tanzania Standards Newspapers, Tanzania Broadcasting
Corporation, and IPP media. The panel however noted that many
talented women journalists are leaving the profession for better
paying jobs in public relations, in NGOs and in the Government.
African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2008			


Select target paragraph3