Individual scores: 			

4, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4

Average score: 			

3.6 (2006= 3.8)


The public broadcaster is accountable to the public through
a board representative of society at large and selected in 		
an independent, open and transparent manner.

The current Board of the public broadcaster -Tanzania Broadcasting
Corporation (TBC) comprises of Government officials. The Chairperson is appointed by the President and Board members are appointed
by the Minister. This structure does not give office bearers any accountability to the public.
It was noted however that there is a proposal to change the Board
setup and also advertise the management posts.
Individual scores: 			

2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1

Average score: 			

1.7 (2006= 1.5)


Persons who have vested interests of a political or 			
commercial nature are excluded from possible membership
in the board, i.e. office bearers with the state and
political parties as well as those with a financial interest
in the broadcasting industry.

They are not excluded. The Board consists of Government officials,
a Member of Parliament and a former media owner who now works

African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2008

Select target paragraph3