
The appointments procedure for members of the regulatory
body is open and transparent and involves civil society.

The appointments procedures for the Director General (DG) and
Members of the Board of the TCRA are outlined in the TCRA Act
under s7.1 and s7.2. The DG, the chairperson and Vice Chairperson
are all presidential appointees. Section 8 of the Act provides for
the establishment of a Nomination Committee and makes reference
to the appointment of two persons from the private sector, one of
which will come from the legal recognised body of the private sector and another who would be nominated by the authority. There is
no mention whatsoever of a representative from civil society.
Section 37 establishes a five member Content Committee whose
Chairperson is the Vice Chairperson of the Board. The four other
members are meant to be appointed by the Minister in Consultation
with the Board’s Chairperson. Civil society membership is not a prerequisite to be a member of the Content Committee.
Individual scores: 			

1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1

Average score: 			

1.8 (2006= 2.0)


The body regulates broadcasting in the public interest and 		
ensures fairness and a diversity of views broadly 			
representing society at large.

There is some inconsistency noted in the distribution of frequencies.
One of the panelist cited the case of the Tanzania Media Women’s
Association (TAMWA) which had applied for a frequency but was denied because TCRA said the frequency spectrum for Dar es Salaam

African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2008

Select target paragraph3