vertisements because they are deemed to be too critical of Government. There have been even attempts by Government to restrain
advertisements that are deemed too critical of Government. For
example the Haki Elimu advertisements which depicted a glaring
disparity in the education standards and opportunities for Tanzanian
children from poor and affluent families were discontinued from being aired on radio and television because the Government felt that
they distorted its image.
Individual scores: 			

1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3, 2, 2

Average score:

2.0 (2006= 2.4)


2.13. The advertising market is large enough to maintain a 			
diversity of media outlets.
The advertisement market is not large enough to sustain the media
industry. The biggest advertisers are the Government, Mobile phone
companies and beer companies mostly Tanzania Breweries. All media houses have to scramble for a share of the limited market.
Small and medium scale companies do not advertise mostly because
there is no culture of advertising and also because they are afraid
of taxes.
The yellow press which has quite a big circulation does not attract
advertisements but rely mostly on the cover price.

African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2008			


Select target paragraph3