lic broadcaster. The law establishing TBC states that it is a public
broadcaster and requires it to enter into a charter with the Government, to enable it to fulfill its functions as a public broadcaster. So
far the Charter has not been signed. More information should be
sought to establish the status of the Charter. The panelists conceded that so far TBC is doing well because it has a strong CEO but not
because there are statutory guarantees to its independence. There
needs to be a law that protects the broadcaster.
Individual scores: 			

3, 3, 1, 2, 4, 3, 3, 3, 3

Average score: 			

2.8 (2006= 2.6)


Community broadcasting enjoys special promotion given its
potential to broaden access by poor and rural communities.

There are no special concessions by law given to community radio
stations. There seems to be some confusion in determining what
community radio stations are. At times even radio/TV stations
owned by local government authorities are considered to be community radio. The African Charter on Broadcasting is an instrument
that provides guidance to defining what is commercial, public and
community broadcasting. The general description would entail geographic location, language and interest. Most often community radios have a social agenda. In Tanzania, radio stations are allowed to
broadcast only in Kiswahili and English for the sake of maintaining
national unity and cohesion.
Although vernacular languages are disappearing, it seems to be the
stand of the Government to let them disappear at the expense of
strengthening national unity.

African Media Barometer - Tanzania 2008			


Select target paragraph3