He said ZICTA officers must realize that they were funded by Zambians to
safeguard their interests and not to occupy lavishing offices.
5.0 Conclusion
There has been an increase in the usage of the internet for dissemination of information,
especially in urban areas. Most of the information published using social media and other
internet reliant channels is that which hasn‟t been published in traditional media or may never
get to be published. Also, such information is concerns issues that government officials are not
willing to share with the public. By the time government comes to clear the air, information
released by via the internet is inconsistent with the information already in public domain. This is
because earlier published information suggests to have evidence government doesn‟t have.
With calls to regulate the cyber space and the media increasing, there is strong suggestion that
government has more to hide which it doesn‟t want the Fourth Estate to share with the public.
This is evident in that when issues are raised, government takes long to give feedback. In fact,
the government is rather reactive.
Increased calls for regulation of the media have taken over calls to have the ATI enacted. As
such, continuity of such reporting will overshadow the calls for increased access to information,
thereby making attempts to make government accountable by the media fail.
Further, increased law suits and attacks on journalists by general citizenry is worrying. It is
making the operating environment of journalist harsh.
6.0 Recommendations
Based on the information made available in this report, the following are the recommendations:
��� The media should take the lead and deliberately drive the agenda for safety of journalists.
 There is need to increase news coverage relating to the ATI to increase advocacy for its
 MiSA Zambia and media advocates should review the contents of the cyber laws that
government officials are increasingly talking about to ensure it does not suppress press
freedom and freedom of expression.


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