4.3.2 Violation of Public Freedom of Expression
Various stories suggesting violation of freedom of expression by both government officials and
the public increased in the last quarter. Information from news and speculations were published
online by various members of society among them politicians. On 3rd October, the Zambia Daily
Mail quoted Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo urging Zambians and politicians to
desist from publishing statements that are not true34.
Minister of Home Affairs Stephen Kampyongo has urged politicians to stop
tarnishing government‟s image by giving Zambians false information on various
national issues.
Mr. Kampyongo said it is unfortunate that false stories are being peddled against
government on social media.
Another case of abuse of freedom of expression, which also bordered on attack on the media,
involved the Siavonga District Commissioner, who interrupted a live broadcast in a bid to be
given chance to be on air.
On 30th October, Zambian Observer quoted MiSA expressing disappointment in the action of the
The Media Institute of Southern Africa (MiSA) Zambia is disappointed with the
attack on Kariba FM by Siavonga District Commissioner Mr Lovemore Kanyama,
on a radio station situated in Southern Province.
According to reports reaching MISA Zambia, the Siavonga District Commissioner
interrupted a Live Radio Programme and forced himself on air on allegations that
one caller had insulted him.


Zambia Daily Mail – Stop Giving False Information- False Stories Being Peddled Against Government On Social
Media – 3rd October, 2018
Zambian Observer – Attacks on Kariba FM, Caller Unconstitutional – MISA – 30th October, 2018


Select target paragraph3