institution. In essence, they want citizens to stay calm and believe that their
public institution is as viable as ever, as long as it maintains its business name. –
Extract from the editorial.
As the year came to a close, the ZNBC signal could not be accessed in selected parts of Eastern
Province. On 13th December, Lusaka Times29 reported that three (3) districts in Eastern Province
had not accessed the ZNBC signal for two (2) weeks.
Traditional leaders in Lumezi, Lundazi and Chasefu districts of Eastern
Province have expressed concern over the collapse of Zambia National
Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) radio one and two signals for two weeks
Chiefs Zumwanda, Mphamba and Senior Chief Magodi lamented that since
Radio One and Two signals were lost on November 27 this year, their subjects
have been missing out on news and current affairs.
4.3.1 Internet Usage in Zambia
Internet usage in Zambia has grown bringing about both pros and cons. From government‟s end,
there are more cons especially that the internet is platform through which criticism can easily be
leveled to government. Abuse of social media increased, with ZICTA recording over 100 fake
Facebook accounts.. On 11th October, Zambia Daily Mail reported that ZICTA was in the
process of bringing down more fake accounts30.
ZICTA corporate communications manager Ngabo Nankonde said in an
interview yesterday that the process of pulling down fake Facebook accounts is
still on going.
“In the last month, we have facilitated the removal of about 100 fake Facebook
accounts created in different names,” he she said.
The increase in internet usage saw an increase in reports calling for reduction of fake news. On
8th November, Zambia Daily Mail published a story indicating that the increase in fake news had

Lusaka Times – Chiefs concerned with collapsed ZNBC signal for two weeks now – 13 th December, 2018
Zambia Daily Mail – ZICTA Pulls Down over 100 Fake Facebook accounts – 11th October, 2018


Select target paragraph3