through the right fora. Mr. Mwitwa has also welcomed the admonition by the
Supreme Court Judges that lawyers must observe professional ethics when
representing clients in the courts of law.
Mr. Mwitwa further upheld the observations by the judges that the media houses
and personnel must be professional in handling court matters to avoid being cited
for contempt of court. Mr. Chifire who is also Director of Southern Africa
Network Against Corruption (SANAC) was cited for contempt of court for his
disparaging remarks on Justice Irene Mambilima and the Judiciary after the
disposal of the STANBIC Bank Versus SAVENDA Case. In a similar case, on 21st
December, The Daily Nation reported the sentencing of Rainbow Newspaper
Editor Derrick Sinjela16:
The Supreme Court has sentenced Rainbow Newspaper editor-in-chief Derrick Sinjela to
18 months imprisonment for contempt of court.
Meanwhile, MiSA Zambia Vice-Chairperson Hyde Haguta said, “Journalism is about
freedom of expression. Journalism is about giving people, citizens a platform to be heard.
You and I are the watchdog for the citizens and doing so we are compelled to give
accurate and correct information…at the end of the day the court has made a decision
and there is nothing we can do as MiSA, what can we do?”
Another case where media personnel were involved is the case in which the Concourt
dismissed PEP president‟s request to subpoena Siliya, Chanda and 3 journalists in
eSwatini land case17. The PEP president wanted the court to ask Siliya, Chanda and the 3
journalists to stand as witnesses.
On 30th November The Mast reported that:
The Constitutional Court has declined to grant Patriots for Economic Progress president
Sean Tembo leave to issue subpoenas against Dora Siliya, Amos Chanda, and three


Daily Nation - Sinjela Urges Scribes to be Strong as he Goes in – 21st December, 2018


The Mast - Concourt dismisses Tembo‟s request to subpoena Siliya, Chanda and 3 journalists in eSwatini land
case – 30th November, 2018


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