He noted that media freedom was a key driver towards the development of the
country‟s democracy.
Calls for self-regulation have continued with media practitioners divided on the matter.

4.2 Economic and Technological Environment
In the quarter under review government announced its plans to increase accessibility to media
services through the construction of more communication towers. The Daily Nation reported that
government through ZICTA planned to erect 12 more towers in Zambezi District11.
Zambezi District Commissioner Lawrence Kayumba confirmed the
development to Daily Nation in an interview yesterday.
Mr. Kayumba said out of the towers, six would be erected in the West bank
while the other 6 would be erected on East bank.
“Eight towers have so far been erected. And the remaining 4 will also be
erected,” he said.
Another development contributing to increased access to information was the rural TV project
government introduced in 2018. In this quarter, Minister of Information and Broadcasting
Services Dora Siliya said government will use the project to have a well-informed citizenry12.

4.3 Legal and Political Environment
4.3.1 Censored
This quarter saw less cases of direct censorship of what was published in the media. However,
IBA was urged to be proactive in ensuring that unwanted content is not given publicity. The case
in point is information surrounding information published suggesting that government had sold
ZAFFICO which sparked riots in Kitwe. On 6th November, the Daily Nation cited Special
Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations Amos Chanda urging IBA to be


Daily Nation – ZICTA to Erect 12 More Towers In Zambezi – 14th November, 2018
Zambia Daily Mail – TV to Reach Rural Dwellers – 3rd October, 2018


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