The year under review was not all ‘doom and gloom’, however, and there have been some victories for freedom of
expression. The Zimbabwe media launched its long-awaited voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe with the hope
of replacing the statutory Media Information Commission. In Malawi, the Media Council was resuscitated after being dormant for more than a decade. These were all efforts to ensure that the media is professional and ethical in
executing its duties, as well as making sure that enemies of media freedom do not use ethics and professionalism
as reasons to squash media freedom.
Following the evaluation of the first Strategic Partnership Programme (SPP), MISA has embarked upon an organisational development process to strengthen the organisation further, both at operational and governance levels and,
therefore, implement its mandate effectively.
I would like to welcome the new members of the Regional Governing Council (RGC) and to thank them for a job well
done so far. Let me also take this opportunity to thank all of MISA’s staff members in the various national chapters
and the Regional Secretariat for continuing to fight for media freedom and freedom of expression in the region.
Aluta continua!
Mandla Seleoane
MISA Trust Fund Board

Annual Report 2007


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