This was followed by public outcry after the brutal beatings and arrest of peacefully assembled people for a prayer
meeting in March 2007. MISA Botswana individually, as well as BOCISCOZ, issued numerous statements against the
Zimbabwean government’s brutality on unarmed civilians and challenged SADC to take a sterner stance against
human rights abuses in Zimbabwe. In addition, the chapter pressurised the Botswana Parliament to commence engagement with the Zimbabwe government. The Botswana Parliament then issued a very strong statement against
the crisis in Zimbabwe and called an emergency meeting on the issue in March 2007. A march organised by MISA
was also held in Windhoek, Namibia.

Training and Capacity Building
The greater portion of training and capacity building activities are undertaken in MISA’s Media Support Programme.
However, the Media Freedom Monitoring Programme continues to facilitate targeted training that ensures a greater
appreciation and understanding of media freedom monitoring, human rights monitoring and reporting. In addition,
specialised training that advances MISA’s advocacy activities is also supported by the programme.

African Governance Media Forum VI
MISA partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Reuters Foundation to host a regional media forum on the sidelines of the Sixth Africa Governance Forum (AGF VI) in Kigali, Rwanda in May 2006.
The forum was aimed at giving African journalists unique access to the national and regional personalities working
to advance the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and to information about the successes and challenges
faced by individual countries.
The forum brought together African journalists from each of the 25 countries that participated in the AGF VI, as well
as regional and foreign reporters based in Africa. It sought to address a key challenge faced by the APRM: ensuring
that African journalists understand the significance of the initiative, have access to up-to-date information about its
progress and recognise the important role the media can play in educating citizens in the region about the APRM
and helping ensure its effective implementation


Annual Report 2007

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