Human Resources
I was appointed the new Regional Director of MISA effective April 1, 2006, replacing Luckson Chipare whose contract ended on March 31, 2006.
With this appointment my previous position as Programme Specialist for Freedom of Expression and the Right to
Know was rendered vacant. At the moment the programme is run by a Programme Officer who was moved from
the Broadcasting and ICTs programme.
The organisation experienced a reduction in its human resources capacity as the Regional Deputy Director/ Programmes Manager Titus Moetsabi left the organisation in January 2007. At the end of the financial year Eric Libongani, the Publications Officer, also left MISA after serving the organisation for five years.
MISA Zimbabwe also reduced its staff from nine to eight. This followed the departure of Assistant Programmes
Officer Sharon Tapfumaneyi.
MISA Zimbabwe changed its structure to create the position of Senior Programmes Officer. Takura Zhangazha, formerly Advocacy Officer, now occupies this position. This position was created as a programme support and bridge
between the Director and Programme Officer. The Senior Programmes Officer acts in the position of Director automatically in the absence of the Director.
Kaitira Kandjii
MISA Regional Director


Annual Report 2007

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