strategic plan.

global channels.

Elections monitoring

k. Global Leadership Footprints

In August MISA dispatched a delegation of
Regional Governing Council members to
observe the elections in Zambia.
g. Regional engagement on Technology,
Surveillance and Data Protection
On 8 October 2021, MISA organised a regional
engagement meeting on Technology
Surveillance and Data Protection meeting
in Johannesburg, South Africa. The sessions
focused on artificial intelligence and
fundamental rights in Southern Africa and free
expression versus hate speech and curbing
disinformation and misinformation.
h. Regional Dialogue for Non-State Actors on the
SADC RISDP 2020-30
MISA was part of the organising committee
of the Regional Dialogue for Non-State Actors
on the SADC RISDP 2020-30 Implementation
Plan on 29 and 30 June 2021, which was held
virtually. The dialogue was co-convened
by Southern Africa Trust, Economic Justice
Network (EJN) of the Fellowship of Christian
Councils in Southern Africa (FOCCISA), Southern
African People’s Solidarity Network (SAPSN),
Southern Africa Coordination Council (SATUCC),
Gender Links, Media Institute of Southern
Africa (MISA), and the Partnership for Social
Accountability (PSA) Alliance (a consortium of
ActionAid International (AAI), Public Service
Accountability Monitor (PSAM) of Rhodes
University, Eastern and Southern Africa Small
Scale Farmers’ Forum (ESAFF) and SAfAIDS).

MISA through its Regional Director was elected
into the Global Forum for Media Development
(GFMD) Steering Committee as one of the 17
board members in September 2021. GFMD has
more than 200 organisations promoting free
media globally.

MISA Regional Publications
State of Press Freedom in Southern Africa Report
MISA produced the first State of Press Freedom
in Southern Africa Report. This report looks
at the state of access to information, freedom
of expression and freedom of the media in 10
countries in Southern Africa. The report seeks
to ascertain how far Southern African countries
would have gone towards attaining Sustainable
Development Goal 16.10. This is an annual
Transparency Assessment Index
One of MISA’s strategic goals is to ensure
that countries in the region adopt access to
information laws. Furthermore, when access to
information legislation is adopted, MISA surveys
how open public institutions are in terms of
disseminating public information to the public.
In 2021 the Transparency Assessment Index
focused on Botswana, Lesotho, Tanzania,
Zambia and Zimbabwe. In 2022, the scope of
the Transparency Assessment Index will be
expanded to cover more countries.

The 68th Session of Africa Commission on
Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR)
MISA, through its Regional Director, Tabani
Moyo addressed the 68th Session of the ACHPR
wherein, he updated the Commission on the
challenges faced by the media and expression in
Southern Africa in July 2021


The Africa ICT Ministers Forum
MISA addressed the Africa ICT Ministers Forum
on the State of Internet Freedom in Southern
Africa on 4 November 2021, tackling the
challenge of the sprouting of cyber security
laws in the region that were not in sync with
the ACHPR’s Declaration on the Principles
of Freedom of Expression and Access to
Information. The address was extensively
covered by the SABC and eNCA among othe

MISA Regional 2021 Annual 2021 Report


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