legislation that promotes a more pluralistic legal
framework for media and to put in place constitutional
guarantees that promote media freedom in line with
regional and international frameworks and instruments.
The media and broadcasting law reform proposals
submitted by the government to parliament fail to
promote media freedom and freedom of expression.
MISA Mozambique engaged parliament on why the
provisions in the proposed legislation failed to meet the
constitutional test.
However, the government insisted on proceeding with
the legislation creating uncertainty regarding the future
of freedom of expression in the country.
As a result of the advocacy initiatives within the
context of reviewing the media legal framework, MISA
Mozambique integrated a working group, invited by
parliament, to come up with proposals for the two
media laws proposed by the government (Social Media
Law and Broadcasting Law).
This illustrates that MISA Mozambique is a critical
partner of the legislature in terms of law reforms.
One of Mozambique’s weaknesses is that there is
impunity for perpetrators of crimes against journalists,
an issue that MISA Mozambique has strongly advocated
MISA Mozambique is pleased to report that some
perpetrators of attacks on journalists Marcos Nazário
Tenesse and Naima José Gimo, from Catandica’s
Community Radio, in Manica Province, were held
criminally responsible in 2021 after interventions by
MISA and other partners.
Regional projects
The Chapter is implementing a regional project on cyber
security and digital rights in Mozambique. The project
is a contribution to the Human Resource Mechanism
Programme, in partnership with Internews.
MISA Mozambique collaborated with different
stakeholders in SADC, mainly the MISA Regional Office.
MISA Mozambique also works with the International
Senior Lawyers Project (ISLP) on capacity building
in different areas of human rights interventions,
particularly on protection of journalists.

ICT journalist Brenda Zulu running a training on digital
security in Zambia.

MISA Regional 2021 Annual 2021 Report


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