This research comes more than a year after Zimbabwe enacted
a new Constitution, but the government is dragging its feet
in aligning legislation with the new Constitution. Despite the
enactment of a progressive Constitution that guarantees freedom
of expression and access to information, Zimbabweans are yet to
fully enjoy these rights as government delays either repealing or
reforming old laws that are inconsistent with the spirit of the
new Constitution.
Sections 61 and 62 of the new Constitution are more
comprehensive compared to the former Lancaster House
Constitution. Under the Constitution the following rights are
explicitly guaranteed:
61 Freedom of expression and freedom of the media
(1) Every person has the right to freedom of expression, which
(a) freedom to seek, receive and communicate ideas and
other information;
(b) freedom of artistic expression and scientific research
and creativity; and
(c) academic freedom.
(2) Every person is entitled to freedom of the media, which
freedom includes protection of the confidentiality of
journalists’ sources of information.
(3) Broadcasting and other electronic media of communication
have freedom of establishment, subject only to State
licensing procedures that—
(a) are necessary to regulate the airwaves and other forms
of signal distribution; and
(b) are independent of control by government or by political
or commercial interests.
(4) All State-owned media of communication must—
(a) be free to determine independently the editorial content
of their broadcasts or other communications;
(b) be impartial; and
(c) afford fair opportunity for the presentation of divergent
views and dissenting opinions.
(5) Freedom of expression and freedom of the media do not
(a) incitement to violence;
(b) advocacy of hatred or hate speech;
(c) malicious injury to a person’s reputation or dignity; or
(d) malicious or unwarranted breach of a person’s right to
62 Access to information
(1) Every Zimbabwean citizen or permanent resident, including
the Zimbabwean media, has the right of access to any
information held by the State or by any institution or agency
of government at every level, in so far as the information is
required in the interests of public accountability.
(2) Every person, including the Zimbabwean media, has the right
of access to any information held by any person, including
the State, in so far as the information is required for the
exercise or protection of a right.


(3) Every person has a right to the correction of information, or
the deletion of untrue, erroneous or misleading information,
which is held by the State or any institution or agency of the
government at any level, and which relates to that person.
(4) Legislation must be enacted to give effect to this right,
but may restrict access to information in the interests of
defence, public security or professional confidentiality, to
the extent that the restriction is fair, reasonable, necessary
and justifiable in a democratic society based on openness,
justice, human dignity, equality and freedom.
There still exists subsidiary legislation that is clearly inconsistent
with these new provisions. Notable among such laws is the
Official Secrets Act 1970, which makes it difficult for citizens and
media to access certain information held by government and
public institutions. Another law is the Public Order and Security
Act 2002 (POSA), which restricts freedom of association and
freedom of assembly.
In addition, the preamble of the Access to Information and
Protection of Privacy Act 2002 (AIPPA) states that it will provide
members of the public the right to access records and information
held by public bodies. It further pledges to make public bodies
accountable by allowing the public the right to request the
correction of misrepresented personal information.
However, in effect the opposite is true, as the law takes away
more than it gives. Under AIPPA, applicants seeking records or
information held by a public body should request the information
in writing and, in many cases, pay a fee to access the records.
The head of the public body is given up to 30 days to respond.
He/she is allowed to refuse to grant the requested information
where it is deemed the information sought is not in the public
interest. If the information involves a third party, the head of the
public institution is allowed 30 more days to consult the third
party before responding to the request. However, the head of a
public body may also refuse a request for access to information,
in which case he/she has to give the applicant reasons for such
In the event the applicant feels aggrieved by the decision not to
grant information, he/she may ask the Commissioner to review
the public body’s decision. In essence, this constitutes a mere
review process that does not guarantee access to information to
the applicant. In fact, it actually makes the process of accessing
information more cumbersome and complex. The process is
unnecessarily bureaucratised, as it may take more than 60 days
before a final decision is made on whether an applicant can have
access to a record or requested information. This is one of those
typical scenarios in which AIPPA begins to act as an impediment
to access to information rather than foster the spirit of openness
and transparency within public bodies. The process contradicts
the law’s intended principle of encouraging openness and
accountability in the work of public institutions.
Some public officials take advantage of the beauracratic nature
of this legislation to frustrate requests for public information.
This legislation has disempowered junior public officials who are
fearful of disclosing any information to citizens or the media.

Select target paragraph3