Recent developments and the way
1. Developments in the media environment over
the last two/three years





he media sector has continued to grow in terms of the number of publications
and radio and television stations.
From a legal viewpoint, there continues to be an enabling environment for the
full exercise of freedom of expression although there have been government
attempts to exert increased control over the editorial independence of the
public media.
Public conidence in the media also seems to have increased, as relected in
the growing denunciation of irregularities in some public sector institutions.
In some cases, these complaints have forced the authorities to act. An
example of this includes the denunciation of improper management of State
funds by the Aeroportos de Moçambique Company, resulting in the trial
and conviction of its managers, including the Chairman of the Board of
Directors and a former Minister for Transport and Communications. Quite
recently there was a case that led to the resignation of the President of the
Constitutional Council.
here has also been a substantial reduction in the number of court cases
brought against the press. In many instances, these were seen as attempts of
here has been a slight increase in civil society awareness of the media’s
importance as an instrument for strengthening democracy. he creation of
a Coalition on the Right of Access to Information (Direito de Acesso à
Informação (DAI) is a clear example of this.
In February 2011 there was a three-day seminar with the Parliamentary
Commission responsible for the media. his meeting provided an opportunity
to discuss important media issues with members of the Commission, and
covered topics such as the need to implement the regional, continental and
international protocols that Mozambique has signed.

2. Activities needed over the next two/three years

he African Media Barometer report should be widely publicised throughout
the country and serve as a lobbying instrument.
AMB Mozambique panel members should meet with the GABINFO
and the Higher Social Communication Council (Conselho Superior da



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