3.10 The state/public broadcaster offers balanced
and fair information in news and current affairs,
relecting the full spectrum of diverse views and
Panellists felt that news bulletins and current afairs programming are too heavily
skewed on subjects on the political agenda, particularly that of the Government.
Subjects without any major news value are placed at the top of news programmes
merely because they involve the Head of State, members of the government or the
party in power. his includes, for example, ceremonies where the President of the
Republic receives the credentials or farewell greetings of the heads of diplomatic
missions accredited in the country.
Furthermore, as politics are dominated by men, news and general information
services have a heavy gender imbalance. he situation is less pervasive in
entertainment and cultural programmes.
Some participants emphasised the tendency to “ban” certain “voices” whose
positions are usually contrary to oicial positions. hey noted that this tendency
has become worse since the demonstrations of 1 and 2 September 2010.

Individual scores:

Country does not meet indicator


Country meets only a few aspects of indicator


Country meets some aspects of indicator


Country meets most aspects of indicator


Country meets all aspects of the indicator

Average score:

2.5 (2005 = 1.7; 2007 = 3.7; 2009 = 3.5)

3.11 The state/public broadcaster offers as much
diverse and creative local content as economically
here is considerable efort to ofer the public varied local content. his is especially
true of RM, which broadcasts through its network of provincial stations. TVM
tries to achieve this diverse and creative local content through programmes such as
“See Mozambique”, which tries to provide a systematic account of local reality in



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