Broadcasting regulation is transparent
and independent; the state broadcaster
is transformed into a truly public
Broadcasting legislation has been passed
and is implemented that provides for a conducive
environment for public, commercial and community
Mozambique has no speciic broadcasting legislation. Despite this deicit, on the
basis of the Press Law and other legislation, Mozambique has public, commercial
and private broadcasters. he information policy, approved by the government in
1997, provides for the approval of a law on community broadcasting. However,
this law still does not exist.
In May 2010, the government announced the start of a process to prepare a law
on radio and television, and called on civil society - in particular organizations
linked to the media - to contribute. he government then presented a draft Law
on Radio and Television for public discussion and established teams organized by
GABINFO to lead these discussions throughout the country.
After analyzing the text of the draft law, MISA Mozambique feels that it is
inadequate as it does not meet international standards. For example, the draft does
not comply with the Mozambican State’s commitments under the Declaration of
Principles on Freedom of Expression in Africa (2002), and the African Charter
on Broadcasting (2001). In particular, MISA Mozambique criticised the draft for
neither including nor deining unequivocally the public broadcasting service and
the establishment of an independent regulatory body. here have been no new
developments on this process since it was launched by the Prime Minister in May



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