SECTION 4: The media practise high levels of professional

The media follow voluntary codes of professional
standards, which are enforced by self-regulatory bodies.

There are no common voluntary codes of professional standards in
place yet but there is movement towards the formation of a selfregulatory body. Some media organisations have developed voluntary codes of professional standards, such as the Media Alliance of
Zimbabwe made up of the Media Monitoring Project Zimbabwe, ZUJ
and MISA. They claim that this code needs to be presented to the
government in order to minimise its opposition to self-regulation.
This approach, however, has met with strong criticism: seeking such
approval would mean that the proposed body would cease to be
self-regulating. The statutory Media and Information Commission,
established by AIPPA, is so discredited.
Individual scores:

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1

Average score:



The standard of reporting follows the basic principles of
accuracy and fairness.

On the whole, principles of fairness and accuracy are followed. But
there are cases of sensationalism, in both the state and the private
media, to attract consumers to buy the paper. There is a lack of
well-researched articles and proper reporting with many journalists
expressing their own opinions rather than trying to write a balanced
African Media Barometer - Zimbabwe 2006


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