tional FM and Radio Zimbabwe have the best signals in most parts of
the country. But reception is poor in areas such as Nyanga, Hwange
and Beitbridge and people there listen to broadcasts from neighbouring countries.
As transmitters are in a very sorry state, it is difficult to receive
television signals in some parts of the country. The situation will
not improve in the near to mid term because ZBH cannot afford new
expensive transmission equipment.
Individual scores:

1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2

Average score:



The public broadcaster offers diverse programming for all

ZBH offers diverse programming but it is boring. It caters for all
tastes: sports, soap operas (such as Studio 263), children, drama
and current affairs. In current affairs in particular there is no diversity as most programmes are biased in favour of the ruling party
and government. The quality of most programmes is poor.
ZBH is certainly not the first choice of the people – but they have
no alternative.


African Media Barometer - Zimbabwe 2006

Select target paragraph3