2002. Timber plantations are not being maintained and fall victim
to regular veld fires resulting in limited supplies. Plantations that
have not been seized yet are under notice of acquisition by government. Farmers are therefore unable to produce as their farms can
be taken over any time.
Due to the unavailability of foreign currency, little or no newsprint
is imported.
Books are printed in South Africa as the costs there are one third of
those in Zimbabwe.
Individual score:

1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Average score:


2.10 Private media outlets operate as efficient and professional
Generally, private media houses try to operate as efficient and professional businesses. The Zimbabwe Independent, for example,
gets its paper out on time, and management is seriously committed
to making a profit. Regular board meetings are held and the board
does its best to leave editorial policy to the staff. The paper is
cross-subsidised by other businesses such as Munn Marketing, a company that distributes foreign publications (this enterprise could be
in danger if foreign print media are indeed banned, as planned).


African Media Barometer - Zimbabwe 2006

Select target paragraph3