Monitoring the establishment of a strategy for the next two years
1. Have there been changes in the media environment over the last
two years?
Yes there have been changes, in particular:
• The toughening of relations between the media and the government;
• The setting up of regional stations by ORTM particularly TV-FM;
• The construction of the new building to accommodate the Maison de la Presse;
• The establishment of a training institute;
• The interference of security forces in libel cases;
• The introduction of open forums at ORTM;
• Lower standards and weaker editorial contents in the media:
lack of professionalism;
• Sluggishness of regulatory organs;
• The concern of journalists over their status and working conditions.
2. If positive changes: who or what has been the main cause?
The setting up of regional stations by ORTM and TV-FM;
• Main causes: feedback from listeners, programme hosts, the
board of governors.
• The construction of the new Maison de la Presse building.
Main causes: personal commitment of the President of the Republic
and request of journalists.
• The establishment of the training institute.
Main causes: the Ministry of Communications on behalf of the government and the request of journalists.
• The introduction of open forums at ORTM.
Main causes: demand of viewers and listeners, the ORTM management, politicians and the civil society.
• The concern of journalists over their status and working conditions.
Le Baromètre des Média Africains - Mali 2008



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