pseudonyms prior to the publication of their articles.
Individual scores: 				

4, 2, 2, 2, 5, 5, 2, 2, 3, 2.

Average score: 				

2.9 (2006=2.6)


Public information is easily accessible, guaranteed by law, 		
to all citizens, including journalists.

Act 98-012 of 19 January 1998 on relations between the administration and public service users limits the categories of accessible
information. Non-normative administrative records such as files, reports, studies, statistical data, directives, circulars that include an
interpretation of positive law are freely accessible. However, the
red tape involved in accessing these records tends to be an uphill
Individual scores: 				

4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 2.

Average score: 				

2.5 (2006=4.9)


Civil society in general and media lobby groups actively 		
advance the cause of media freedom.

When Malian journalists appear before a court, lawyers generally
volunteer to defend the interests of the accused. This is generally
due to media pressure on other groups; each time a journalist is
brought before a court of law, victim of violence or of any other act,
colleagues demonstrate their solidarity. Support from civil society
is very limited as members of certain organisations feel that the
media believes itself to be above all laws.

Le Baromètre des Média Africains - Mali 2008



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