Scoring system: Panel members are asked to allocate their individual scores to the respective indicators after the qualitative discussion in an anonymous vote according to the following scale:

Country does not meet indicator.
Country minimally meets aspects of the indicator.
Country meets many aspects of indicator but progress may
be too recent to judge.
Country meets most aspects of indicator.
Country meets all aspects of the indicator and has been
doing so over time.

Scores for each sector are determined as follows: Members of the
panel will, after a qualitative group discussion, attach their individual point-score (1 – 5) to each sub-indicator of a sector. The sum
of all individual scores will be divided by the number of panel members. The result will then be considered the final score for the subindicator.
This qualitative report, including the scores, serves the purpose of
measuring over time (based on bi-annual repetitions of the panel
meetings) the progress or otherwise of developments in the media
Rolf Paasch
Head of Media Project for Southern Africa
Windhoek / Namibia


Hendrik Bussiek
AMB Facilitator
Cape Town / South Africa

African Media Barometer - Namibia 2007

Select target paragraph3