As a result of major structural changes there have been remarkable improvements
on ERTA stations since the middle of 2010 in regard to presentation and packaging
as well as coverage of a wider variety of issues. New programme structures and
new formats have been introduced, interesting and creative documentaries are
being offered.
Although the legal basis for the development of private and community
broadcasting seems in place, the actual processes to make this happen are very slow.
Some panelists said licensing of new broadcasters could only be done gradually,
in step with the gradual democratisation of the country. Others argued that more
services could contribute to the speeding up of democratisation. Presently, three
FM radio stations are privately owned and another is close to the ruling party. The
number of community based radios now stands at nine. There is no private TV
station yet.
The print media in Ethiopia is characterised by very low circulation figures due
to a number of factors: the poor culture of reading among the general public,
illiteracy, the cost of newsprint, distribution problems, high copy prices and
crippling taxation.
Overall, the quality of the content of the media in Ethiopia needs improvement.
The principle of fairness in reporting is often compromised by almost all media, be
they private or state. The tendency is to be either pro or against the government.
Investigative journalism is rare. While the state media are in the business of image
building for the government and thus publish mainly “positive” stories, there is
also very little investigate reporting in the private media.
To improve standards in the media, professionals from both public and private
media decided in 2009 to set up a voluntary media council. The council is to
develop a code of ethics and establish a mechanism for members of the public
to lodge complaints against the media in cases where they feel they have been
treated unfairly or a story was inaccurate. This move is regarded as a positive sign
of diminishing polarisation in the media.



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