students, Kelvin Baloyi, had been
shot dead at point-blank range.
SANEF condemned the harassment
of Ndebele, which it viewed in the
broader context of increasing police
hostility and intimidation towards
journalists. It called for the immediate release of his equipment.

November 29

The Citizen morning daily reported
that Editor Steven Motale, who
had been sus-pended from his duties earlier in the month, had been
dismissed. He was accused of failing to “follow agreed-upon editorial procedures and to uphold his
editorial duties” which had “led to
an irretrievable breakdown in the
relationship of trust and confidence
between the editor and the publisher of the newspaper”. Motale,
who was reportedly dismissed without a hearing, claims he has had to
contend with improper managerial
interference in editorial affairs, including news content and processes
to hire journalists. Publisher Eureka
Zandberg denied that the content of
stories published in the paper were
at issue.

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