Date: April 10, 2012
Person/ institution: Lesotho National
Broadcasting Service
Violation/ issue: Expelled
A crew from the Lesotho National Broadcasting Service (LNBS) was, on Monday 9
April 2012, barred from covering the opposition party All Basotho Convention’s
(ABC) rally in Qacha’s Nek, nearly 150km
from the capital, Maseru. LNBS senior
television producer ‘Mapitso Ts’iu told
the Lesotho Chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA-Lesotho)
that the crew was setting up their equipment in readiness to cover the rally when
– in her own words – “the ABC leader
told our crew to leave the rally because
we are allegedly selectively about which
of the ABC rallies we cover.”
However, MISA-Lesotho is also concerned about the manner in which the
ABC conducted itself during the Qacha’s
Nek rally. Media freedom is one of the
cornerstones of the same democracy
that political parties like the ABC preach
about in their manifestos.


Date: June 4, 2012
Person/ Institution: Commonwealth
Observer Group
Violation/ issue: Other
Former Malawi president and leader of
the Commonwealth Observer Group in
the just-ended Lesotho Parliamentary
elections, Dr. Bakili Muluzi has commended the Lesotho Chapter of the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISALesotho) for the positive role it played


during the elections. Addressing journalists and observers in Maseru on Tuesday
29 May, 2012, Muluzi praised MISA-Lesotho for working hard in ensuring that
that responsible reporting of the election
governed the media conduct. We commend the role played by the Media Institute of Southern Africa, Lesotho Chapter
for organizing training workshops for
journalists on how to responsibly cover
the elections, he said.


Date: July 20, 2012
Person/ institution: Public media
Violation/ issue: Censored
Minister threatens opposition
On July 19 2012 Lesotho’s Minister of
Public Works, Keketso Rantšo who is
also Secretary General of the ruling Lesotho Congress for Democracy (LCD),
has threatened to ban public media
from covering the opposition Lesotho
Democratic Congress (DC), according to
a report in the Lesotho Times newspaper.
Rantšo is reported to have announced in
a press conference in Maseru that “the
government had made a decision to bar
public media from providing coverage to
the DC unless former Prime Minister Pakalitha Mosisili refrains from delivering
speeches that incite violence.” The Media
Institution of Southern Africa (MISA) Lesotho Chapter is concerned that Minister
Rantšo’s immediate response to the issue
is to threaten the media, as opposed to
challenging the source, Mr. Mosisili, directly on this important matter. Too often the media is used as a scapegoat to
settle political scores.

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