6. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (MoFS)
7. Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development
8. Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
9. Ministry of Health (MoH)

Category 1: Website analysis





There is a great improvement on the content of
many websites, especially those that have performed
poorly in the previous research. Blantyre City Council
for example, has had no website in previous years,
but now its website is one of the more active ones.
It is very encouraging to note that unlike the previous
research studies, most institutions surveyed in this
year’s research have websites and at least one social
media page.
Just like past studies, however, the Ministries of
Agriculture and Health continue to perform poorly in
terms of website content and it is sad to note that
websites for both ministries were down during the
period this research was being undertaken.
The Lilongwe Water Board website was also
inaccessible during the period of this research.
Despite not having a website at the moment, the
Board has a Facebook account and a Twitter handle,
but contains very little information about the
It is also sad to note that some organisations continue
to upload content without sufficient information,
and omitting the dates activities occurred or were
uploaded. This becomes a problem for viewers who
want to know when events took place.

Category 2: Requests for information




Out of the 9 government and public institutions
surveyed, five responded to the written requests for
information. Some of the organisations requested a
telephone and/or face-to-face interview and asked
for justification from the researcher as to why they
needed the information.
Almost all organisations acknowledged receiving the
requests for information. Most institutions promised
to get back to the researcher but never did.
The Ministry of Local Government and Rural
Development responded within 24 hours with a
request for a telephone interview. The spokesperson
for the Ministry indicated that she was ‘swamped’
with work and a telephone interview would be ideal.

Select target paragraph3