Zimbabwe seems to be sliding back into the dark ages of
clamping down on social media and the internet by introducing
a Cybercrime Bill which is intended to silence government critics.
There is a long standing plan by government to clamp down on
social media after President Mugabe said Zimbabwe needed to
emulate China’s way of dealing with social media.
Evidence shows that most of the institutions are now taking
online communication seriously, a good number of them
responded through email. While this is commendable it neglects
the fact that the majority of citizens do not yet have access to
Government must first ensure that the existing access to
information legislation is aligned with the new Constitution
before promulgating new laws whose objective is to stifle access
to information.
Government could also improve simple administrative
procedures in its institutions in terms of clarity on where
information requests should be taken. There should be clear
guidelines on how to obtain public information. The current
situation where this is explained only after approaching
government departments, is not ideal.


Select target paragraph3