Policy review
A review of Namibia’s Information Policy is urgently needed, and should form the next step of
this audit. To save unnecessary reform work later on, all pending legislation governing media,
information and communications should be put on hold until a new policy is in place. All
relevant Bills should then be redrafted in line with this new policy.
Such a policy review process should be as transparent and consultative as possible, and
should involve all stakeholders with a direct and indirect interest in media, communications
and access to information. The SADC Protocol, and the AC and ICT Declarations should form
the basis for such a review, while best practice from elsewhere in the SADC region can
provide inspiration and guidance. Hopefully this study serves as an initial discussion
document for such a policy review process.

Law reform
Once approved, the new information policy can be used as the framework for an extensive
law reform process. Civil society could work together with the Namibian Law Reform
Commission to draft access to information legislation, as well as the amendments to existing
laws that need to be brought into line with Namibia’s commitments to African and other
international standards on free expression and access to information.

Namibia Media Law Audit – report final draft


Select target paragraph3