
Infrastructure for ICT Development

States agreed to endeavour to develop a national information and communication
infrastructure, which aims at facilitating efficient communication and information exchange
within nations, between member States, the SADC Secretariat and the rest of the world:
special consideration should be given to rural and remote areas, under-privileged urban
areas, institutions of learning, health, women's organisations, community media groups and
other key stakeholders.


Community Participation and Governance in ICT Development

States undertook to ensure that information and communication technology does not increase
existing disparities between men and women, the rich and poor, rural and urban populations
communities should be encouraged to participate at all levels.


ICT in Business Development

States undertook to work together to remove barriers of electronic commerce in the SADC
countries as a means to opening opportunities and benefits such as increased access to
markets, opportunities to create economic value from cultural assets, reduced administrative
costs, and improvement of public services. There is a need to adopt and adapt technologies
that increase e-commerce capability to avoid increasing exclusion from the global economy.


Human Resource Capacity for ICT Development

A comprehensive human resource development plan in the area of ICT should be formulated
to enable the region to meet its needs and participate as an equal partner in the new
technologically informed global economy. The effective use of ICT presumes a literate
population able to use the tools provided by the new technologies.

SADC Protocol on Transport, Communications and Meteorology
Although not included in the terms of reference of this study, the SADC Protocol on
Transport, Communications and Meteorology was ratified by the Namibian National Assembly
on July 30 1997. Therefore, this too is binding on Namibia. The Protocol includes a chapter
(Chapter 10) on telecommunications, which has an Article on Broadcasting (Article 10.4). The
Protocol’s focus is the harmonisation of transport, communications and meteorology
infrastructure, the general objective of the Protocol being to:
“M establish transport, communications and meteorology systems which provide
efficient, cost-effective and fully integrated infrastructure and operations, which best
meet the needs of customers and promote economic and social development while
being environmentally and economically sustainable.”
In terms of the objectives of the Telecommunications chapter (Article 10.1), member States
“Mto take advantage of international technological developments and to develop national
telecommunications networks for the provision of reliable effective and affordable
telecommunications services in order to:
a) ensure adequate high quality and efficient services responsive to the diverse
needs of commerce and industry in support of the regional social and economic
b) achieve regional universal service with regard to telecommunications services
and regional universal access to advanced information services; and

Namibia Media Law Audit – report final draft


Select target paragraph3