3. Ministry of Finance (MoF)
Category 1: Website
The Ministry of Finance’s website looks simple and very limited. Tabs are provided however, other headlines are provided along the side
panel of the website. The website is user-friendly for experienced users but can otherwise be difficult to navigate for those unfamiliar
with the Ministry or those not very tech-savvy.
The website also contains various policy documents which might be useful to policy makers and analysts. The website is not linked to
any social media sites.
n = 20
1. Does this website contain up to date information?




Additional Information


2. Does the website contain the following:
a) A description of its powers, as well as data on the organisational structure,
the functions, and the responsibilities of the administration?


The website only
provides the names
of senior personnel
and their titles; no job
description is provided
for any of them

g) The address, telephone number, and working hours of the institution?


Only the address of the
Permanent Secretary’s
office, despite the
various departments

h) The contact details of specific public officials?


Only contact details
for the Permanent
Secretary’s office are

i) A mechanism to request and receive a response to electronic messages and
requests for information?


Only email address and
telephone numbers are

b) A list of laws, Acts etc. issued within the scope of its powers?


c) Reports, policies, programmes?


d) Budget and expenditure?


e) Information about procurement procedures, signed contracts?


f) Vacancy and employment procedures?


Total Score: 14/20			
The following questions were sent to the Ministry of Finance:
1. Your Ministry is responsible for the national budget and other finances; how do common citizens access information useful to them
from your office? Do they need to pay for information?
2. Your Ministry is now working under the Fifth Phase Government for which issues of revenue collection and tax adherence is a
priority; what measures have you set to make sure that you achieve the Government’s goals?
3. There have been complaints from the local government authorities (cities, regional and district authorities) over the delay and very
limited disbursement of funds allocated for development activities; what measures have been prepared to meet this challenge?
4. Your Ministry is overseeing the work of the TRA, what are your plans to expand the tax collection base without relying on the
common tax bases, for example taxing alcohol products?
5. The Ministry of Finance coordinates all government finances; what is your plan to make sure that you have zero corruption in your
daily undertakings?


Select target paragraph3