Most of the people who are responsible for or who are supposed
to be responsible for handling requests for information from
the public are information officers, public relations officers,
switchboard operators, receptionists and front desk staff.
The study found that these people lack a range of skills in dealing
with requests, both written and oral. Even some of the staff with
the relevant skill set either seem to be ignorant to the necessity
of providing public information or appear to be unwilling to do
their job.
The study also found out that no customer relations systems and
procedures are used by the front office staff when responding to
requests for information.
The study therefore recommends the following:
• Establishing mechanisms to respond to requests for
information from the public. These mechanisms should be
used to interpret, analyse and communicate information,
data, complaints, requests for services and should facilitate
reporting to management/authorities.
• Development of customer care/relations skills for relevant
staff in public offices. Skills that will help them demonstrate
professional customer/client relationship and technical skills,
supervisory techniques and management skills.
• Establishment of laws guaranteeing access to information
and bylaws that will hold information bearers responsible for
either delaying or not responding to the public’s requests for


Select target paragraph3