moved on 15 June 2021, was supported by other legislators who urged the government to observe the
provisions of the Windhoek Declaration which calls for media freedom.
Another positive development was the participation by MISA Zimbabwe and the Media Alliance of
Zimbabwe (MAZ) at a high-level engagement meeting convened by the Parliament of Zimbabwe’s
Portfolio Committee on Information, Media and Broadcasting Services in the eastern border town of
The meeting convened between the 9th and 12th of June 2021, among other issues, primarily focused on
media co-regulation and broadcasting reforms.
It was attended by three top officials from the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting
Services. These included the Minister, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa, Deputy Minister Kindness Paradza,
and the Permanent Secretary, Nick Mangwana.
Also in attendance was the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) and Zimbabwe Media Commission
(ZMC), represented by their Chief Executive Officers (CEOs).

Our programming was organised into five programme areas which are:




Campaign for Freedom of Expression and the Right to Information- promotes legal reform and the
introduction of new legislation to improve the protection and implementation of media freedom
and the right to information.
Media Freedom Monitoring - monitors media freedom violations and developments and issues
action alerts. Provides MISA with an important advocacy platform.
Campaign for Broadcasting Diversity-promotes an open system of broadcasting licensing,
editorial independence and the introduction of a three-tier system of broadcasting comprising
public, commercial and community broadcasting.
Media Support- aims to promote and enhance media accountability and professionalism. Seeks
to create awareness of the need for a code of ethics and self-regulatory bodies. Also promotes
professionalism in the media through media training initiatives.
Legal Support - Provides funds under the Media Defence Fund, for legal assistance to media
practitioners and institutions with the aim of protecting freedom of expression.

Digital Rights Literacy Campaign in Lesotho

On the 27th of July 2021, MISA Zimbabwe convened a Digital Rights Literacy Training for youths, women
and people with disabilities in Lesotho. There were 15 participants in attendance.


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