Inspector Chananda said a memo had been dispatched to that effect urging police officers to refrain from
arresting journalists and allow them free passage to conduct their journalistic work.
2. Bulawayo
A similar meeting was held in Bulawayo with Police Commissioner Patton Mbangwa, as part of efforts to
improve professional working relations between the police and the media.
According to NewZimbabwe.com, the senior police officer said the police could not single handedly
accomplish its objectives without the help of the media.
“Our involvement with the media is derived from the fact that we want to engage widely so that we will
be able to provide the best service to the public,” said Commissioner Mbangwa.
MISA Zimbabwe Board Member, Pamenus Tuso, stressed the importance of police and journalists working
harmoniously, especially during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic.
3. Masvingo
MISA Zimbabwe’s Advocacy Committee in Masvingo led by chairperson, Passmore Kuzipa, held a
meeting with Officer Commanding Masvingo Province Commissioner David Mahoya who pledged to work
with the media during and after the Covid-19 lockdown.
Commissioner Mahoya said there is need for the media and the police to complement each other during
the lockdown.
He noted the critical role played by the media in informing communities especially now when the country
is fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.
Also in attendance was MISA Zimbabwe’s national chairperson Golden Maunganidze, and the Zimbabwe
Union of Journalists (ZUJ) provincial chairperson for Masvingo, George Maponga.

Police pledged to guarantee the safety of journalists following the engagement meetings that were held
during the period under review with commanders of the police in the province.
These engagements contributed to the marked reduction in the number of media freedom violations
recorded during the period under review, from 52 in 2020 to 22 in 2021.

MISA Zimbabwe National Director Tabani Moyo was elected into the Global Forum for Media Development
(GFMD) Steering Committee (the board) at its elective Annual General Meeting held in Tirana, Albania, on
30 September 2021.
Moyo, who is also the MISA Regional Director, was elected with 17 other board members for a four-year
term from 2021 to 2025. GFMD is an international network of about 200 journalism support and media
development organisations, working in more than 70 countries. It is based in Brussels, Belgium.


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