The skit was double-barrelled as it encouraged women to get vaccinated by busting myths that the
vaccine is harmful for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Another skit promoted accountability in use of resources on Covid-19 by interrogating the funds allocated
to Covid-19 in the budget. Explainer videos were also used to explain unfamiliar concepts such as getting
a booster jab, mixing vaccines and the vaccination of children.
To counter the influx of fake news and promote factual Covid information, MISA Zimbabwe under
its project on promotion of access to information and protection of human rights during the Corona
pandemic in Zimbabwe, the following activities were undertaken:
● In March 2021, MISA Zimbabwe increased its sphere of influence by collaborating with Gender and
Media Connect, a media organisation which champions the interests of women in the media, by
training journalists on how to report on the Covid-19 pandemic . The World Health Organisation
and ZimFact, a local fact-checking organisation, were also part of the training. This also resulted in
MISA Zimbabwe utilising its handbook on Covid-19, Covering Covid-19: A handbook for Journalists,
produced under this project, to train media practitioners.
● Launched Covid Information Hub in April 2021 and as of 31 December 2021, more than 36
organisations contributed information and more than 20 journalists contributed stories on the
portal with a reach of more than 100,000 people a month.
● To demystify Covid-19 and social stigma, Myth or Truth, a programme targeting the virtual
Zimbabwean community was launched on the Covid Info Hub facebook portal. The programme
was hosted by Bernard Mpofu an investigative journalist and digital editor at the News Hawks, a
digital investigative hub. The programme featured Dr Alex Gasasira, World Health Organisation,
Zimbabwe country representatives, Dr Norman Mataka, Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for
Human Rights, secretary general, Josephat Chiripanyanga, a medical doctor, and Samantha
Sibanda, director of Signs of Hope Trust.

Skits reached a combined number of 260, 000 while the explainer video reached at least 20,000 views. The
skits covered a wide range of issues from gender perspectives on vaccination, mixing of vaccinations and
accountability of Covid 19 resources.
In Binga and Maphisa, 18 people with various forms of disabilities were reached and interviewed. Their
family members were also interviewed as part of the focus group discussions on access to information on
Covid-19. A traditional leader, in Binga, Headmen Belshazzar Mudimba, was also part of the project. He
pledged to convey the message on the need for more credible and reliable information on Covid -19 to
the chiefs in the area.

● MISA Zimbabwe versus Minister of Health and Child Care and Another HC45/2021 – Access to
Covid-19 related information case.


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