3.3.1 ATI law progress
Despite the challenges the media was facing during the quarter, government expressed
confidence that the long-drawn out ATI bill enactment would recommence. In a statement,
Minister of Justice Given Lubinda said the ATI Bill is ready for the public to have a look at it.
He further said that the Ministry of Justice was engaging other line ministries so that the draft
bill is made available. This statement in itself, and at face value seems to suggest that probably
government is pressing the re-activation button as the entire ATI Bill enactment process has been
dragging on since the early 2000’s without its logical conclusion in sight. And as expected
stakeholders welcomed the signal from government to move on the ATI enactment front.
Operation Young Vote Executive Director Guess Nyirenda, while applauding the Minister’s
pronouncement on the ATI process urged caution to ensure that the process is not steered off
track by unprogressive voices.
“We appreciate the move and efforts by Hon. Lubinda but we are also alive to the
fact that some sections of the PF and government including ministers are keen on
frustrating the ATI Bill by preventing it from seeing the light of day. The
pronouncements by some PF and government officials that the ATI failed with the
failure of the referendum on the Bill of Rights and that considering the matter was
not to be made priority.
The ATI can, is and has been a standalone issue for a long time and [therefore] the
unsuccessfulness of the referendum on the Bill of Rights must not in any way hinder
the progress of the ATI law.
OYV is of the resolve that the ATI Bill must be availed to all stakeholders,
published in the Government Gazette and be tabled in the next sitting of parliament
to avoid further procrastination on this inevitable legislation.”xxi
In a statement on the minister’s remarks MISA Zambia also issued a statement that welcomed
the pronouncement:

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