Further, the world renowned International Press Institute continued to voice out its support for
the beleaguered The Post Newspaper by clearly stating that the persistent persecution of The
Post Newspaper and its owners could be seen as anything more than a politically motivated
attempt to silence criticism of President Edgar Lungu’s ruling PF party and an attack on media
freedom in Zambia. In statement, IPI Director, Advocacy and Communications Steven Ellis
stated that the raid on Dr. M’membe’s house and warrants against him and his lawyer appeared
to be the latest incidents in an ongoing campaign to silence him and The Postxviii
“It is difficult to see the continuing persecution of Fred M’membe as anything but a politicallymotivated attempt to silence criticism of President Edgar Lungu’s ruling Patriotic Front (PF)
party and an attack on media freedom in Zambia,” he said. “Zambian authorities should allow
this matter to play out in the courts and stop harassing media outlets that seek to expose
wrongdoing and ensure government accountability.”xix
There are also lessons learnt going forward. A strengthened advocacy for constitutional
protection of the media is more imperative now than ever before. Vigilance on all fronts should
be heightened now than ever before if media, and especially private and independent media, is
to continue to exist and offer checks on the state in the face of such a concerted drive target the
extermination of any dissenting views.

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