Strategies for Internet Technology
and Digital Rights Reporting

Limited media freedom, muzzling of
free speech and repression
The regulatory and policy environments obtaining in some Southern Africa countries makes the
practice of journalism perilous as there is no media freedom in practical terms, even in instances
where such freedoms are constitutionally guaranteed.
For example, Freedom House noted that in Zambia52,

self-censorship remains rife


outlets that are perceived as aligned with the opposition are subject to arbitrary closure by


critical journalists risk damage to equipment, frivolous lawsuits, arrest, and harassment by
the government and political party supporters

Freedom House also notes that in Tanzania53,

independent journalists and media outlets are subject to harsh repression


according to the Media Council of Tanzania, violations of press freedom were more than three
times more prevalent in 2019 than in 2015, when current President John Magufuli took office.

In Zimbabwe54,

the government is intolerant of critical online commentary and activism


the State often invokes vaguely written laws to arrest users


online journalists and ICT users face regular harassment, intimidation, and violence for their
online activities.

In Swaziland55,

the state broadcaster is tightly controlled by the government


the Swazi Observer, a major newspaper, is effectively owned by the king


journalists often face harassment, assault, and intimidation

52See, Freedom in the World 2020 Zambia [Accessed 17 September
53See, Freedom in the World 2020 Tanzania [Accessed 17 September
54Freedom on the Net 2019 Zimbabwe [Accessed 17 September
55Freedom in the World 2020 Eswatini [Accessed 17 September 2020]


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