8.1 Programme Objectives


He programme objectives focus on the need to support media practitioners in the region
who face criminal defamation or insult laws cases as a result of their work. The use of
these laws, which are quite prevalent in the region, was been sparse, though Zimbabwean
journalists from the private media found themselves facing the use of recently promulgated laws
that criminalise their work. Other legal impediments have been encountered in other countries
resulting in the change of types of cases requiring legal assistance.
During the period under review, no legal defence support was provided by the regional Media
Defence Fund, though the regional office continued to provide funding to National Chapters to
either set up or continue to fund their Legal Defence Funds.

8.2 National activities

The legal support initiative is aimed at assisting media houses and local journalists should
they get into trouble through their work on legal issues. The administration of the Fund
has now been transferred to MISA Botswana and a number of communications have
taken place between media houses and the Chapter. MISA Botswana is in the process of
calling a general meeting so that all concerned stakeholders can come up with ideas of
making the fund sustainable. They shall also be looking at issues of representation o n the
Board of this fund so that all media feel included.
So far very little has transpired relating to use of the monies in the fund since coming
over to MISA Botswana, although a number of suits have transpired between media
houses and litigants. None of the media houses has requested for financial help except
“The Gazette Newspaper”, when it was threatened with a law suit by ten Chinese
construction companies. Fortunately the matter was settled without any costs incurred.
MISA Botswana had made public utterances in the media about threatening media
freedom by rushing to courts without regard to the newly established Press Council. It
seems that in the last resort the local Chinese authorities prevailed upon their country
folks to think otherwise.
It was not possible to operationalize the Legal Defence Fund as envisaged because of the
difficulties experienced with the Law Society. It is still the intention to go on with the
involvement of the Lesotho Law Society in terms of which they will set up a panel to
administer the Fund. Because of MISA Lesotho’s awareness of the problem which
dogged the Law Society during the past year and the realization that the problem may
now be behind it, they expect the Law Society to respond more positively this time
around. MISA Lesotho is conscious of the need to move with speed on this issue, not

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


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