Extract of the conference resolution:
The Kunduchi Resolution on HIV/AIDS and the Media - MISA Conference
Kunduchi Wet ‘n Wild, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 10 - 12 September 2003
The participants to this conference resolve that MISA, its chapters and members:

Address HIV and AIDS at all levels within media organisations to create awareness of the epidemic both within media
institutions and society at large.
Develop appropriate policies and programmes to address the epidemic in their workplaces, families and communities
taking into account international and national laws, regulations and codes of conduct governing HIV/AIDS.
Ensure a supportive environment that upholds the rights of all employees living with HIV and AIDS.
Ensure access to appropriate information about HIV and AIDS for all employees at all levels including prevention,
voluntary HIV counselling and testing, wellness programmes and appropriate treatment, for informed decision making.

The following steps are recommended:

Undertake workshops for staff to explore, identify and review policies and programmes for addressing HIV and AIDS
within the organisation.
Initiate research into the impact of HIV and AIDS on the media in all member countries.
Undertake national round tables to examine the impact of the epidemic on the media, the development of workplace
policies and programmes, issues surrounding the coverage of the epidemic.
Develop a conceptual framework for media coverage of HIV and AIDS including an ethical guideline and a vocabulary of
Encourage in-house newsroom training for all media workers taking into account the conceptual framework for media
coverage of HIV/AIDS.
To facilitate in partnership with relevant institutions and organisations the establishment of an HIV and AIDS treatment
fund for members with medical aid schemes operating in SADC region.
Encourage the involvement of media workers and people living with HIV and AIDS in the production of media materials
on prevention, living with HIV and treatment literacy.
Encourage news organisations to establish where necessary and/or participate in network (s) of journalists on HIV and
AIDS issues.
Develop indicators to monitor progress made with the implementation of these recommendations and;
Each MISA chapter starting in 2004 present an audit of the implementation of these recommendations as part of their
annual reports.

In relation to poverty and development the conference resolves that media:

Play a vital role in society and must promote communication on the subject of poverty and development
Media practitioners should familiarize themselves with the various international and regional institutions and strategies on
poverty alleviation and development.
Constantly monitor and review progress made with the implementation of such strategies.
Give due attention to issues concerning poverty and development in urban and rural areas.
Consider poverty as a priority issue through highlighting the underlying causes of poverty.
Encourage training for journalists emphasising alternative news values concerning issues relating to poverty and
Provide a human dimension to reports on poverty and development
Encourage the development of community participation including sensitisation to the participation of marginalised
groups, especially women and children.
Encourage donor agencies to make provision for the provision of information and training on poverty and development

MISA Annual Report (April 2003 – March 2004)


Select target paragraph3